Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jackson Gregory

We’re expecting again. We plan on naming him Jackson Gregory. We would rather just call him Jack but it doesn’t seem to roll off the tongue when coupled with Gregory, my father-in-law’s first name. Jack Gregory sounds too terse. So we’re adding the son to create resonance. Naming a child is tough; names seem to catch the essence of character, some suppose. I think we’ve all heard someone say, “Well, that makes sense; you look like a….” Whatever that means. What does a Blake look like, anyway? I wish I had the courage to name my children something creative and original, but I don’t (or maybe I know my wife won’t let me and it’s not a battle I’m willing to fight). Sometimes I feel bad for the children whose parents had such courage. I don’t think my children’s identity is an appropriate medium for my creativity; if they want to be eccentric, that’s their prerogative. So I'll stick with tradition for my kid’s sake.


  1. I love the name, and I will call him Jack!

  2. I love the name Jack. Jack Ryan is one of my all time favorite real man characters. Jackson does roll off the tongue though. :) Sir Percival BLAKEney is who comes to my mind when I think of the name Blake also one of the best characters ever.

  3. We are thinking about naming ours Abbott. I am hoping people call him Abby.

  4. We're going to name him Jackson but call him Jack.

    Ben, I never know when or if you're joking.

  5. But now we're thinking about Sammuel. Sammy for short.
