Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Beard at BYU

(At the BYU library, it is 1:53 on a Friday afternoon. Several students, eager to tackle their assignments, enter the computer lab and sit down at various computer stations. BEARD occupies a computer, busily typing an inquiry project, a euphemism for a research paper. There is a constant sound of clicking keyboards. RANDON STUDENT enters the lab and takes a seat next to BEARD at a computer. RANDOM STUDENT is a tall, clean-shaven male wearing a collared Polo shirt, blue jeans, and running shoes.)

RANDON STUDENT: What’s up, Beard?
BEARD: (Guardedly.) Hey.
RANDOM STUDENT: I see you around campus all the time.

I wish people at BYU wouldn’t reduce my identity to my facial hair. There’s so much more to me. Like my bald head.

1 comment:

  1. ahahahahahahah too true! like your salmon shirt! what a weird dude, who says things like that?
